Follow our adventures

Follow our adventures as we raise a tiny flock of chickens in suburban Bexley, Ohio.
Our chicken bloggers include Tami Taylor, a Welsummer, and Tyra, a Jersey Giant.
RIP, Betty, Joan, Sally & Peggy.
Showing posts with label chicks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chicks. Show all posts

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chicks enjoy The New York Times

The chicks on their first full day in their new home. That's Joan, the Silver Laced Wyandotte, just to the left of the feeder, who gets a good closeup, Peggy, the Black Australorp, who's enjoying her chick food, and Betty, the Barred Plymouth Rock, who's over by the water bowl and having a go at the Times. As usual, she can't stand Thomas Friedman.

Chick Flick!

They don't really do much yet, but they're endlessly watchable!
(I can't figure out how to rotate the video. Ideas?)

Baby chick set up: less than $70

Our baby chicks are snug in their set up in the garage. 60 bucks covered the following supplies:

  • Lamp w/ infrared bulb (to keep the box at ~90 degrees)
  • Chick feeder & 50 lbs of chick feed (though with just 3 of them, an empty, shallow can probably would have worked just fine as a feeder)
  • Waterer (we got one big enough to work when they're full grown)
  • Pine shavings for months
  • Electrolyte powder which was completely unnecessary
  • Day 1 gel food that they didn't touch (went straight for the chick food)
  • We had the big plastic tub already
  • We had a digital thermometer, too
I can't believe that's all you need to take care of tiny lives.

We can start to feed them treats in a week or so, but nothing that would require grit in their gizzard, yet. That limits us to yogurt and hard cooked egg. Something feels wrong about feeding them egg, though. Right?

Monday, August 23, 2010

No car seat?

They let us take home these day old cuties in a box. I began their socialization almost immediately (pretty much couldn't keep my hands off them).

OMG Chicks!!

Today we headed to Meyer Hatchery and picked up 3 baby chicks and chick supplies to last us through the first month. Total bill: $70-some dollars. About $7 of that was the chicks.

They're just about the most adorable things you've ever seen! From the bottom, they're Peggy, Joanie, & Betty.

Peggy is a Black Australorp.
Joan is a Silver Laced Wyandotte.
Betty is a Barred Plymouth Rock.