Follow our adventures

Follow our adventures as we raise a tiny flock of chickens in suburban Bexley, Ohio.
Our chicken bloggers include Tami Taylor, a Welsummer, and Tyra, a Jersey Giant.
RIP, Betty, Joan, Sally & Peggy.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

From cloaca to plate in less than 10 yards

We finally cooked up our eggs. Joan has been a champ--giving up an offering each of the last three mornings. Her eggs are about 2/3 the size of what you'd get in a grocery store, so we waited until we got a few, and then scrambled them up for "eggs in the basket".

Jessica blew out the eggs, so we have three eggshells for our scrapbook.

Jessica thinks I look like a PSA for eating a healthy breakfast. I think that she is enjoying her eggs a whole lot more than I am!


  1. I think I look a little strung-out. That's my morning look. There was something a little weird about eating an egg that was inside Joan's body moments before. I'm grossing myself out now even talking about it. They were some tasty eggs, though.

  2. I am so proud of your chicken. I hope the other two get on board.
