Follow our adventures

Follow our adventures as we raise a tiny flock of chickens in suburban Bexley, Ohio.
Our chicken bloggers include Tami Taylor, a Welsummer, and Tyra, a Jersey Giant.
RIP, Betty, Joan, Sally & Peggy.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Which one of these is not like the others?

Somebody laid a gigantic egg!


  1. We haven't gotten a double yolk yet. But this thing is easily double the size of the rest of the eggs - so this could be our first!

  2. We haven't gotten a double yolk yet. But this thing is easily double the size of the rest of the eggs - so this could be our first!

  3. Before keeping chickens I had no idea that some eggs were not nicely ovoid. I wonder what factory farms do with the oddly shaped ones?

  4. My most generous assumption is that they end up in the "Egg Beaters" cartons. I really really hope they don't just throw them away.

  5. If only that was a cadbury...
